Saturday, February 28, 2015

Seafood Pasta - The Old San Francisco Creamery

I love, love, LOVE pasta!!! Maybe I love it too much, if that's possible!!  I found this tasty dish on the menu, and decided to give it a try.

It was a very good pasta dish, but I wasn't overly impressed with it.  I may or may not purchase it again.  Honestly, I thought I could have made the dish at home.  I don't know if that's saying much, because I think I am a very good cook. ;-)  My opinion of the dish may be because I wasn't that hungry when I went out to eat. I just knew I had to eat dinner!  I wouldn't discourage you from trying this dish if you live near The Old San Francisco Creamery.

I think you should absolutely give it a try. Your opinion will most likely be different from mine. :-)

Anyway, there was a good balance of bay scallops, shrimp and veggies in the pasta, and it had a very nice sauce. 

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