Monday, July 28, 2014

Betty's Roasted Rustic Potato Soup

This is hands down the best soup that I've ever made from scratch.  It was created from a "I had no idea what to cook" moments.  I went through a whole thought process of I'll cook sausage links, to I'll roast asparagus on the side, and do something with potatoes, to I think I can combine everything that I'm thinking about doing and make a soup!! 

My sister was coming over with one of her daughters, and I needed to think quick about how to feed a lot of mouths.  During my thought process, my sister called and said she was stopping by the store and asked if I needed anything.  I don't know why, but I said "yes," bring some heavy cream.

I roasted everything that came to mind, and sauteed the rest.  I put it all together and added a little this and a little that and MAN, the end result surprised me.  It was very flavorful, and I've made it several times since the accidental creation.

One of my daughter's friends keeps asking when am I going to make it again. I think I'll have to do that real soon!!  I may even have two bowls!! 


  1. Are you gonna put your recipes on here :) too <3 Jeannette

  2. Yes, just let me know which recipe you are interested in and I will share it with you.

  3. Jeannette KirkpatrickAugust 4, 2014 at 5:24 PM

    This yummy one right here your rustic soup

  4. Okay Jeannette!! I'll find it and post it just for you!!
