Thursday, July 31, 2014

Veggie Pizza - Mountain Mike's

This beautiful creation right here is the new love of my life!!! I don't know what it is, but I'm just hooked on veggie pizza's lately.  No, I don't eat a ton of pizza, but when I do feel like one, I've been eating the veggie version.

I have serious love for fresh tomatoes, and if you put them on top of a pizza, even better!! It kind of makes me feel like I'm eating healthy...haha

This particular pizza is from Mountain Mike's.  The funny thing is that I can tell the difference by location...sad, I know, but it's true!!!  It's just a subtle difference, but it's enough to be noticed, at least by me.

This pizza was so "pretty," I had to take this pic and share it with you.  Makes your mouth water doesn't it???  Yeah, I know, I know...

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