Monday, October 13, 2014

Fried Mashed Potato Patties

This is a dish my  mom used to make when I was a kid growing up.  It's not only delicious, but a very good way to use left-overs and make it seem like a whole new dish!!

I've always struggled to perfect them, but today I think I came as close as I have ever come.  After I had them in the pan frying, I decided to check on-line to see if there was a recipe for them.  Duh!! Of course there was!! lol

I then realized what I had been doing wrong all these years!! You need to dredge them in flour after forming the patties!!  I've never dredged them, just took the cold mashed potatoes out of the fridge, formed the patties and dropped them in the oil.  No wonder they weren't coming out just right.

They always tasted good, I just couldn't get that nice crisp outside going.  Even though it was too late to do it this time around, they seemed to come out better than usual.

If you've never had them, you should give it a try!! Remember, the key is cold mashed potatoes, and a quick dredging in flour before you put them in the frying pan. :-))

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