Thursday, October 2, 2014

Sauteed Mushrooms

I could honestly sit around eating mushrooms all day, I love them that much. I'm still limited with using them in cooking, because of my daughter's loathe for them.  From time to time, I do sneak them in.  I'll just chop them up really tiny, and hope she doesn't notice. haha 

How can you not love mushrooms?? I just don't get it.  I do understand there are people in the world that don't like them, I just can't relate to that.  I don't care what kind or how they are prepared, I just LOVE them!!

Here I sauteed the mushrooms in a little bit of olive oil, with a dash of butter. I've learned over time that if you don't season them with anything, they are actually a little bit sweet, at least the baby bellas and the crimini variety.

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