Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Homemade Guacamole

I wasn't always a fan of guacamole, then one day, I tasted it the way it should be made, and have been eating it since that day!!

I was watching a cooking show a while back, and the lady was talking about the "easy way" to make guacamole.  I was all ears!!

It took some time for me to get it right, but I finally did.  My first issue was how to pick the perfect avocado.  Man, I messed up the first three times I tried to make it.  I realized that picking the right avocados was key.  You have to pick the ones that are not to hard, and not to soft, and have some give to them when you squeeze, otherwise, you'll have that super "green" taste that you can't fix no matter what you do.

Secondly, I buy medium Salsa Rojas, because it has everything already in it.  No chopping, dicing or anything else!! I cut the avocados in half, pit them and cut them in squares while they are still in the shell.  I scoop the flesh out with a spoon and place into a bowl.  I add a couple of scoops of the Salsa Rojas, some lime juice and a little salt.  Viola!!! Guacamole!! :-))

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