Saturday, January 24, 2015

Whole Wheat Bagel with Peanut Butter and Bananas

A neighbor of mine gave me a jar of natural peanut butter, which I can only recall eating once while growing up.  My dad was a big fan of natural peanut butter, but when you are a kid, you want all the sugar and salt you can get!  So back then, I wasn't having it!! lol

I decided to give it a try, and I actually like it now.  Once you stir the oils and peanut butter together, and store it in the fridge, it has a nice creamy consistency.

In this pick, I toasted the bagel and topped it with the peanut butter (as you can see, it was literally dripping off the sides of the bagel), and then added the bananas.

I have never tried this combo, but I was pleasantly surprised!! I REALLY loved it! I would say this is a must try, IF you love peanut butter and bananas. :-)

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