Sunday, January 25, 2015

Young Coconut

I've never bought one of these before, though I always wanted to! I went online to see how to open it, and thought for sure I knew what I was doing!

I had the idea, and the people on YouTube made it look really simple, which it would have been (I guess), IF I had the right tools.

They said you should use a heavy knife, well....that's the first place I went wrong.  My knives aren't heavy enough!!

After hacking at it a bit, I finally got it open.  I really wanted to have that nice pretty little round lid to pop up!!! ;-)

Long story short, the coconut meat was nice and tender and it was FULL of coconut water, which was delicious!!!

I should tell you that I'm not a big coconut fan, at least not the chewy kind! I found out that I actually LOVE the tender version!!

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