Saturday, December 20, 2014

Ramen with Pork Skins

I'm about to let you in on a family secret!! Okay, we most likely didn't invent this, but I came across this by accident.

Years ago, I was hungry and lazy at the same time. I know, what a combo right??  I'm sure the majority of you have had a moment in life like that! LOL

It was during one of those times that I decided to put pork skins in my Ramen. I don't know what I expected, but the end result was WONDERFUL!!!

I told my kids about it, and they had the natural reaction that most people would have...YUCK!! haha  I asked them to try it first and they LOVED it!!!

The pork skins go from crunchy to a soft, meat texture (I know, not the best description...but the best I could think of).

If you are mildly curious, you should give it a try!! You might just fall in love with it like we have!! :-))

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