Friday, December 5, 2014

Southern Style Cornbread Dressing

Every year, I get selected to make the dressing for Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner with the extended family.  This year was no different, except for some reason, I couldn't find my recipe or really remember what I used as far as seasonings are concerned.

I lucked out and happened to have the right combo of seasonings in my cupboard.  It's kind of funny to me, but I keep making WAY to much and have left over mix.

This is the pic I took of the dressing I made for my family at home with the leftover mix.  I made some chicken gravy to go over it, since I wasn't the one that made the gravy for Thanksgiving dinner.

One of my nieces said I need to enter my dressing into a contest! If felt good to hear such a compliment coming from my niece!! :-))

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