Monday, December 29, 2014

Salmon Patties - Made by Ty

Ohhh!! My daughter decided to cook dinner tonight!!! Here are her salmon patties cooling, just waiting for me to dig in!!

Outside of my mom, she makes the best salmon patties you will ever taste!! I'm not just saying that because she is my daughter.

She really left home to go to college, and came back a really good cook!! Who knew??? lol

Most people learn how to make better ramen, not this one!!! ;-))

Cranberry Relish - Made by Janice

This is a delicious relish that my sister has made for a couple of years now.  I can never get tired of eating this relish during the Holidays!!

I don't know her exact recipe, and even if I did, I don't think I would attempt to duplicate it!!  

She uses cranberries, oranges, tart apples, Jello, raspberries, celery and lemon juice.  It is VERY good!!!

Fried Fish

In this pic is some fried fish that is crispy on the outside and tender and flaky on the inside.  It is paired with collard greens with smoked turkey wings, and beans with rice.

It came out soooo good!! I'm always happy when everyone else is happy with a meal!!

When my daughter asks for seconds, I know it was a success!!

I like to measure my success by others happiness when it comes to the kitchen and cooking!!

Caramelized Chocolate Cheesecake - Made by Leomar

This cheesecake right here is an absolute masterpiece!!! Leomar's caramelized chocolate cheesecake has an Oreo cookie crust on the bottom!!

I REALLY wish I was eating this right now!!! It looks SO incredibly inviting!!

Great presentation!!!! :-))

Chicken Curry - Made by Leomar

In the pic below is some beautiful chicken curry made by Leomar!  What time is dinner Leomar??? lol

It looks so smooth and creamy, and I'm 100% sure it is full of flavor like everything else she cooks!!

Peanut Brittle - Made by Kathryn

This is some REALLY good peanut brittle made by my daughter's husband's mother (that was a mouth full!!

She actually made this is the microwave!!! I didn't even know that was possible!!

Most peanut brittle that I have eaten is really hard, this had just the right amount of crunch, but it wasn't break your teeth out hard!!

It was sooooooooooooo tasty!!!!

Sugar Cookies - Made by Joann

People, people, PEOPLE!!!  As they say, if you don't know, you'd better ask somebody!! haha

My sister Joann is the QUEEN of cooking making!!! Every Christmas, she makes tons of cookies for her family, co-workers and friends!!

She is SO good at this, I don't think I'll even try to get on her level.  This is my "take home bag." :-))

They are melt in your mouth GOOD!!!!

Fantasy Egg Roll - Yo Sushi

If you don't live near a Yo Sushi, you are missing out, and you will have to take my word for it when I say that THIS egg roll is off the hook!!!! ;-))

This is Yo Sushi's Fantasy egg roll!! This egg roll right here....OMG!!!! It has the BEST crunchy crust that you will ever taste in life!!!

It is an egg roll that is kicked up a thousand times!!!! SCRUMPTIOUS!!!!

Party Over!

Since I helped plan the party, I got the champagne as a parting gift! Sweet huh??

It was Scotts house champagne, and it was REALLY good!!! :-))

Chocolate Mousse - Scotts

This is what we all had for dessert!! It is the chocolate mousse made by Scotts!

Delicious and smooth!! :-))

Polenta Veggie Stack - Scotts

In the pic below is the dish we chose for the vegetarians, and for the folks that just didn't want to eat a meat dish.

This is Scotts polenta veggie stack!! They get major props for presentation on this one!!  I was very impressed!!

Although I didn't eat this dish, I heard it was REALLY good!! 

Crusted Chicken & Salmon - Scotts

For this Holiday party, we decided to give the meat eaters two meats on one plate, instead of having them decided between the two.

We had the chicken & salmon, which was served with mashed potatoes, gravy and blanched veggies!!

Everything was SO tasty!!!

Appetizers - Scotts

More Holiday party appetizers!! I'm just glad everyone had an awesome time!!

Olives & Meat - Appetizers - Scotts

Here is another shot of the appetizers that Scotts provided for our Holiday party!

Good times!!! :-))

Bread, Crackers, Olives & Meat - Appetizers - Scotts

My job had a wonderful Holiday party at the Blackhawk Auto Museum! I had the honors of helping plan the party!!

Lots of people turned out, and they all had a good time.  In the next couple of pics, I'll post some of food from our party.

The food was provided by Scotts.

Omelette - By Ty

When my daughter's friends spend the night, I reap the benefits!!! I totally welcome her friends!! haha

She made that delicious omelette in the pic below.  This omelette had black beans, avocado, salsa verde, onions, mushrooms, cheddar cheese, black olives and sour cream.

This was one of her best creations to date!!! 

Linguine - Diamond Cafe

This is Diamond Cafe's version of lunch in a box! This linguine was SO tasty!!! I could be a bit biased, because I love pasta....PERIOD!!

The combo of the linguine and the salad was just plain yummy!!

Look at the richness of that pasta in the pic below!!! :-))

Chicken Chili Colorado - Diamond Cafe

It looked so good, I had to try it!! This dish was very flavorful and tasty!! Believe it or not, this was one of the lunch choices at work!! This dish has the chicken chili Colorado, Spanish rice, black beans, a tortilla and sour cream!

I love that our cafeteria has some interesting choices from time to time.  Of course the regular fare can be purchased as well!

After eating this, I was reading for a good nap!! Maybe this was a little bit too heavy for lunch!! ;-)

Butternut Squash Ravioli - Diamond Cafe

I'm the type of person that believes in trying various food dishes on a regular basis, if at all possible.

I love the "firsts."  This is one of those first moments!! I have heard of butternut squash ravioli, but have never eaten it.

I decided to go for it, and I'm TOTALLY in love with the dish now!! OMG!! The butternut squash ravioli was so much better than I could have ever imagined!!!

I'm at a loss for words as to how to describe it, except DELICIOUS!!!!

Feast your eyes on the yummy goodness below!!! :-))

Yumbo - Burger King

So, I got sucked in by the commercials advertising this sandwich, which hasn't been on the BK menu for decades!

I was SO curious, that I went out and purchased one! Well, actually I purchased two because it was two for $5!! Who am I to pass up on a deal?? haha

I ate one, and gave one to my daughter.

You know what?? It was actually pretty tasty.  Does it compare to my other sandwich spot, probably not, but still good.


My mom used to make Persimmon cookies, but before that, I had no idea what this fruit was!

I've learned that there are lots of varieties of this awesome fruit.  I think this one is the Fuyu.

My co-worker always brings bags of them in during this time of year.

They have there own unique flavor, and I just LOVE them!!!

Organic Grilled Chicken Fettuccine - Skates


Fettuccine with organic grilled chicken done by Skates!! Rich, decadent, scrumptious, and tasty!!!  I'd say that about sums up this wonderful Fettuccine dish.

YUM!!!!! :-))

Grilled Romaine Lettuce Heart - Skates

YES!!! Grilled everything is my motto!! In the pic below is an eye catching grilled romaine lettuce heart salad done by Skates.

This is not only delicious, but it is beautifully plated!! I think when I see a work of art like this one, I don't want to eat it because I don't want to mess it up! ;-)

This salad also incorporates pickled red onions and tomatoes!!


Creme Brulee - Skates

Here is a pic of a scrumptious Creme Brulee done by Skates.  This Creme Brulee is perfectly matched with some fresh mixed berries, and whipped cream on the side!!

Doesn't this make you want to just eat it up?? ;-))

Kudos to the chef for this wonderful dish!!!

Red Velvet Bread Pudding - Skates

I haven't been the biggest fan of bread pudding, because we had it a lot growing up.  In recent years, I've come to have a new appreciation for bread pudding.

In the pic below is a beautifully done Red Velvet bread pudding done by Skates. It is paired with vanilla bean ice cream, and white chocolate.

I didn't get to taste this one, but the flavor comes through loud and clear in this pic!! :-))

New York Style Cheesecake - Skates

Happy Holidays to all!!!

Here is a pic of a delicious New York style cheesecake with peppermint whipped cream from Skates.

Cheesecake is a REAL weakness of mine!! I have to use some serious self control when I'm around it...sooooooo YUMMY!!!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Sorbet - Hurley's

My sister ordered this tasty looking dessert!! I only WISH I had tasted it.  Just look at how smooth and creamy it is!!

Just think super smooth and creamy!!! That's what she told me, and I'll have to take her word for it on this one! ;-))

Looks scrumptious!!!

Banana Cream Pie - Hurley's

OMG!!! What can I say about this dessert??? Only that it was FANTASTIC!!! I've never had a banana cream pie exactly like this one!!

It was just melt in your mouth goodness, that had fresh bananas in it and a nice crunchy crust at the bottom.  This banana cream pie also has Valrhona chocolate, candied macadamia nuts and butterscotch sauce!

SOOOOOOOO delectable!!! 

Wilted Brussel Sprout Leaves - Hurley's

 This is another "for the table" dish, to be shared with your friends.  These brussel sprout leaves were tender AND delicious!!

I remember when I was a child, I really HATED brussel sprouts, but I have since come to love them.

These didn't have any of the bitter taste that so many people associate with brussel sprouts, which means they were fresh!!

Braised Wild Texas Boar - Hurley's

This was what my sister ordered.  Surprise!!! She LOVED it!! haha

In this pic is the braised wild Texas boar, served with truffle scented soft polenta, roasted root veggies and crispy house made onion rings to top it off.

I don't think my camera did this plate justice, because it really was a beautiful plate of food!!

Seafood Cioppino - Hurley's

This was what I ordered! The BEST seafood Cioppino I have ever tasted!! It was so fresh and delicious!!

That is actually fire toasted bread with the stripes on it in the bowl.  I will definitely order this wonderful, delicate dish again!!

YUMMY!!!!! :-))

Mac and Cheese - Hurley's

This is one of Hurley's dishes "for the table." We all shared this one.

In this pic is their mac and cheese, topped with honey cured bacon.  It was SO good!!!

Not only was the food delicious at Hurley's, but the ambiance was perfect!!

Oakwood Grilled Atlantic Salmon - Hurley's

My Aunt, my sisters and went to Hurley's recently, and we LOVED it!! Everything we ate was delicious.

In the pic below is my Aunt's plate.  It is Oakwood grilled Atlantic Salmon, with French lentil salad, artichokes, wild mushrooms, sauteed spinach with shallots and a Pinot Noir glaze.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Peanut Butter Cookies - Made by Joann

 My sister is the Queen of cookie making!! This is the time of year she really brings her "A" game!!

She bakes tons of Christmas cookies for the family, her co-workers and friends!! The pic below is of some of her famous peanut butter cookies!!

They are the BEST in the land!! haha

I scored these beauties fresh out of her oven!! :-))

Bean Soup

On the other end of the cooking spectrum is the "I haven't gone shopping, and I need to cook something."  This is how I came up with the soup in the pic below. My wonderful neighbor showed up at my doorstep with a bunch of "extras."

I must say, her timing was perfect!! One of the things she gave me was a dried bag of beans.  I was thinking "I wonder what I can do with these?"  I wound up making something else for dinner that night and soaked the beans over night.

The next day I drained them, rinsed them and added them to a pot of 4 cups of chicken broth.  I then added 1 packet of Knorr's Homestyle chicken stock, 1 smoked turkey wing (which I happened to have in the freezer), and a little bit of water.  

I added chopped white onion, sauteed fresh garlic, some Slap Yo Mamma seasoning, a little Kosher salt, and some fresh ground pepper.  I brought the soup to a boil, then reduced the heat and simmered it, covered, for about 1 hour. 

If I make it again, I will simmer it a little longer than an hour, because the some of the beans weren't as soft as I would like for them to be.  They weren't hard, just a little firm.  The soup was VERY flavorful and tasty.  The family loved it!! SCORE!!! ;-))

I cooked some white rice to go along with it.

Champagne - Chandon

Loved the bottle!! Had to post this, oh, and the champagne was really good too!! Enough said!!

Praline - Made by Jackie

My co-worker is from Louisiana and she KNOWS pralines!!  This is a pic of a homemade praline she brought to work.  

She brought a bunch of them for a pot-luck, but she let me try one.

OMG!!!! BEST praline that I have ever tasted!!! Grant it, this is the first homemade one that I've had, so maybe it's not a fair comparison to the others that I've tasted.

I wish you could taste this one right through your screen!!! YUMMY!!!!

Ramen with Pork Skins

I'm about to let you in on a family secret!! Okay, we most likely didn't invent this, but I came across this by accident.

Years ago, I was hungry and lazy at the same time. I know, what a combo right??  I'm sure the majority of you have had a moment in life like that! LOL

It was during one of those times that I decided to put pork skins in my Ramen. I don't know what I expected, but the end result was WONDERFUL!!!

I told my kids about it, and they had the natural reaction that most people would have...YUCK!! haha  I asked them to try it first and they LOVED it!!!

The pork skins go from crunchy to a soft, meat texture (I know, not the best description...but the best I could think of).

If you are mildly curious, you should give it a try!! You might just fall in love with it like we have!! :-))


I can't get enough of this fruit!! Pineapple is one of my favorite fruits!! I thought I knew what really good pineapple tasted like, until I went to Hawaii!! The pineapple in Hawaii is the BEST I have ever tasted!! 

Although I like the pineapple in Hawaii much better than any that I've tasted here, that won't stop me from eating it!!

I wanted to do the fruit justice with this close up!! 

Hope you all enjoy this pic!!  I sure enjoyed eating it!! :-))

Beets Salad - Luna Ristorante

This is just another, up close view of the beets salad that I posted earlier.  I thought it deserved it's on close-up, just for the plating alone!

Looks delicious!!

The Luna - Luna Ristorante

Love at first bite, is the best way to describe this dessert!! This is a cappuccino almond gelato mousse.

It is just as good as it looks, NO, even MORE delicious than it looks in this pic!!!

Molten Chocolate - Luna Ristorante

Luna has a very impressive dessert menu, of course we couldn't order everything.  Because the desserts are so decadent, we decided to share them so we didn't feel guilty eating them!! Smart, huh?? haha

This is a rich chocolate cake, with a flowing chocolate center.  It was SO good!!! I'm really glad that I didn't order it by myself, because I KNOW I would have eaten every last drop!!

Scaloppine Al Limone - Luna Ristorante

This lovely dish was ordered by another friend at lunch.  Let's put it this way, she didn't leave anything on the plate!! ;-))

I've actually ordered this dish before, and I can tell you that it is finger licking good...assuming your fingers wind up in the food!! LOL

This is milk-fed veal with capers and white wine lemon butter sauce!!


Rustic Italian Bread - Luna Ristorante

This is the warm delicious crusty rustic Italian bread that Luna serves!  This bread has that fresh out of the oven taste. They don't mess around when it comes to the bread that they serve with their meals.

This bread is good enough to BE your meal!! Funny thing is, I'm not even that much of a bread lover!! I get to Luna and lose my mind over their fresh, tasty bread!! LOL :-))

Red Wine - Luna Ristorante

No, this wasn't my glass of wine.  I just took the pic because it looked good sitting on the table next to the olive oil!! ;-)

I don't think I need to add too much commentary to this pic!! :-))

Lasagna Napolitana - Luna Ristorante

As much as I love lasagna, and I REALLY love lasagna, I don't tend to order it when I eat out.  I can't even explain why that is!! haha

In this pic is the lasagna another friend ordered for lunch.  It looks all kinds of yummy, and I'm sure it was!!

This is a classic take with meat sauce, Italian sausage and Romano cheese. 

Pollo Panini - Luna Ristorante

If you like your sandwiches with a little extra crunch, Panini's are the thing for you.  I love me a good panini!!!

This is the one that my friend ordered at Luna for lunch. This sandwich had grilled free range chicken breast with mixed greens, caramelized onions, tomato and avocado!!

The perfect blend!!! 

Bruschette Pomodoro - Luna Ristorante

There is NOTHING like fresh bread, but you top that with tomatoes, basil, garlic and have just kicked the taste up to a whole new level of yummy goodness!! 

That's exactly what Luna did with this bruschetta!!! I just wished there was more on the plate!!


Beets Salad - Luna Ristorante

This was the salad my friend ordered. She said it was the scrumptious!! I'll take her word for it, since I wasn't the one that ate it.

This salad had fresh mozzarella, beets, oranges, avocado, walnuts and arugula.

The presentation was just beautiful!! I'm not even sure my pic did it justice. When they brought it out, we all had an "oooh, ahhh" moment!! LOL