Saturday, August 16, 2014

Slow Cooker Chicken and Dumplings

Sometimes I'll come up with an idea about a dish in the slow cooker.  Once I have an idea of what I want to do, I will either create the dish, or look it up on the internet to see if it's possible to do.

I wanted to see if chicken and dumplings could be done in the slow cooker, so I looked up and recipe and gave it a try.

I'm not sure if the recipe in the Web address shown below is the exact one I used, but if not, it's pretty spot on.

You can copy and paste this into your browser to look it up:

This recipe was so flavorful, and you don't need to add extra salt to it either! The only advice I would offer is to use less of the biscuits, because as you can see in the pic below, they kind of took over.

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