Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sweet Potato Pies

Okay, apparently, I haven't lived!! I seem to be having a lot of "firsts."  This is yet another one.  I have never baked a sweet potato pie in my life.  I wanted to see if I could, so I set out on my mission.

The only thing that isn't homemade with these pies is the crust.  Could I have baked some crusts, sure, but in the interest of time, I bought them.  They are the kind that come in the freezer section and are not pre-baked.

The biggest mistake I made was turning off the stove accidentally.  I was resetting the timer on the stove and must have hit cancel instead.  I didn't realize it until it was time to take the pies out.

My thought:  Why can't I smell the pies??  You can always smell things that are baking in the oven.  To my shock and horror the stove was off!!!

I turned it back on, but had to keep checking to see if they were done.  Luckily, I was able to save the pies.

They came out just the way I expected sweet potato pies to taste!! I'm so pleased!!

Ignore the cookie sheet, because it has been well worn! lol

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