Friday, August 8, 2014

Thai Chicken Coconut Soup (Tom Kha Gai)

From time to time, I like to cook something that I've never cooked before. Especially when it's something that I want to eat and don't know where I can get it at that particular moment.  The dish below is the result of one of those times.

I wanted some Thai soup badly, but there isn't a Thai restaurant close by my house, at least not one that I've been to, or heard any reviews on.

Sooooo, I set out to make it for myself.  It was a bit of a process, but I was pleased with the results. It was a little spicy for my youngest daughter's taste, but as I keep saying...I LOVE spicy foods, so I won!!

The top pic shows the chicken, lemon grass, parsley (instead of cilantro), and basil, it was one of the first steps to making the soup.

The bottom pic shows the finished results.  Very tasty soup that I would make again, but next time, I'll put a little less of the spicy stuff so my daughter can eat it. :-))


  1. Replies
    1. Corinne, if you like spicy flavorful soup this is the dish for you!! I absolutely loved it!! :-)
