Monday, August 11, 2014

Watermelon Pops - Coming Soon - by Rashida (My daughter)

I'm SOOO excited, I can hardly wait.  My youngest daughter has promised to try out a new recipe and make watermelon pops!!!

I've NEVER had them, so I'm really looking forward to sampling them when she makes them!! 

Tune back in to see the wonder that is WATERMELON POPSICLES!!!!

What's that I hear in my kitchen...chop, chop, chop!!! Sounds like progress is being made!! Oooohhhhhh Yeeaaaahhhhh!!!

UPDATE:  Watermelon pops = HIT!!! Yummy!!! Great job on your first try Rashida!!!

Waikiki Kickers:

Watermelon mint coconut lime popsicles

The recipe is available at

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