Wednesday, August 27, 2014

UPDATE: Flatbread Breakfast Sandwich - Kellogg's

Let me reiterate, I totally believe in homemade over boxed, or frozen anything. Just thought I would start out with that little blurb! ;-))

Having said that, I already had a preconceived notion on what I was about to taste.  I tried to put that in the back of my mind to give a this breakfast sandwich a fair chance.

Okay, getting back to my review, I will start with my occasional star system!!

On a scale of 5 stars, I would give this one a 3 1/2.  Only because, the first bite was promising, but I wasn't that thrilled with the follow up.  I think the veggies are what kind of killed the experience for me.

The veggies were a bit watery, other than that, it wasn't a horrible experience. It was kind of tasty, but I wanted more flavor.  Whenever I review something, I always want to remind you that this is MY personal experience.  Your personal experience may be different, so don't hesitate to buy this product, because you may rate it higher than I did.

This is what it actually looks like.  It may appear that I was pinching it hard on one side, but that's not the case.  The egg was just soft! :-)

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