Sunday, August 17, 2014

Macaroni Salad w/Shrimp

This dish has been a family favorite ever since I had the idea to put shrimp in my macaroni salad.

It is a hit at family gatherings and I'm always happy to make some to bring to potlucks.

I don't put actual onions in my salad, because there are a few family members that aren't fond of biting into a piece of onion, no matter how small.  Instead, I always add onion powder to give it the flavor that I want.

It's kind of hard to make macaroni salad look exciting in pics, but trust me, this one is exciting and full of flavor!!

UPDATE:  I was asked to share the recipe for this one, and like most things I make, I don't do exact measurements, unless it's dessert when I kind of have to.  What went into this dish: elbow macaroni,mayo,mustard,sugar,sweet pickle relish, sweet gherkins (chopped), onion powder, garlic powder, Morton's Season Salt,cracked pepper medley,boiled eggs (chopped),sliced black olives,and medium sized frozen (thawed) shrimp. 

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