Thursday, August 14, 2014

Whoopie Pies

I try to stay on a positive note with my food blogs, but above all, I will keep it honest.

Today I ate something that I wasn't very impressed with, maybe because my taste buds are off due to a cold.  Whatever the case, all I could think was "Twinkie."  

I've eaten Twinkie's just like the next person, and I'm not knocking them, but when I'm expecting something different and a little more exciting, it's kind of a let down.  I tried the Whoopie Pies shown in the pic below, and don't get me wrong, they weren't awful, they were just meh!!

I won't name the place where they were purchased, because that might be part of the!! Maybe I'll make Whoopie Pies one of my next cooking ventures!! 

If I have a homemade one, I'll probably like them better.  Pretty pic though!!!  :-))

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