Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Vanilla Pistachio Lemon Geo Cupcakes - Made by Rashida

Awesome!!!! My daughter is really getting into this cooking thing!! She better watch out, because I could get used to this and a LOT spoiled.

I came home and she had made a new kind of cupcake.  She refused to tell me what they were until I was about to put it in my mouth...haha..daughters!!!

Anyway, I took a bite and if any of you have had store bought vs. homemade, you KNOW that homemade wins hands-down!!

This cupcake is one for the books.  It is moist, vanilla, pistachio'ed, lemon'd (okay, I may have made up a few words, BUT they fit!!) melt in your mouth cupcake!!!

I could literally eat them all, but I'm nice....I'll let someone else eat one or two!! ;-))

She wanted me to call it Geo and I was confused, so she said look it up and then told me I was probably the only person that didn't know what that was! :-)

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