Thursday, August 7, 2014

Turkey Tacos

I tend to use ground turkey in place of ground beef.  I came to the conclusion that it's better for me.  Maybe, I just like the taste better, don't know, but the bottom line is I use it A LOT!

In this pic, I made some soft tacos using corn tortillas.  I love the taste of corn tortillas!!  I browned the ground turkey, drained it and added a pack of taco seasoning (I like Schilling the best), then I warmed the tortillas in a non-stick frying pan without any oil.  I filled the tortillas with the ground turkey mixture then added shredded cheese, lettuce and fresh tomatoes mixed with salsa. A must for me...Frank's Hot Sauce!!! 

If I buy tacos anywhere, I have to have sour cream on them but when I make them at home, I don't feel like I need it.  

I think it's okay to use flour tortillas, but I don't think they do much in the way of flavor.  I'm ALL about the flavors!! 

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