Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Egg White Frittata Muffins w/Biscuits

Here is another example of my breakfast lovin' ways! I wanted something with eggs and couldn't think of anything outside of an omelette.  I went on line and found a recipe for these gems.

I added spinach as the veggie, mushrooms (only in half, because of my mushroom hatin' daughter), sausage and cheese.

It was my first time making any kind of frittata, so I really didn't know what to expect.  I followed the directions to the letter, only because I didn't want to mess it up.  Usually I'll just plunge head first into something without really reading directions.  Ask me how that works for me...yeah, it doesn't!! ;-))

Back to the recipe...they came out wonderfully.  I was happy, and my family was happy.  I threw in some biscuits to make it a more filling meal.  Would I make these again, most definitely!

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